The Essential Guide to SmartHTC
It is not uncommon for residential buildings to measure as having heat loss that is HALF that predicted by an energy model. The result is that energy efficiency upgrade measures can easily be incorrectly specified and not always deliver on the expected cost savings.

You can be the person who bucks the trend by offering accurate, data-driven results which in turn enables better targeted, realistic and achievable energy efficiency improvements for the home owner.
By providing an affordable, accurate measured thermal performance report to your customers, you will enable them to specify the correct retrofit and energy efficiency measures for their homes.
How can SmartHTC help my customers?
Whether they are looking to replace windows, increase insulation, improve the overall health of their property or upgrade their central heating, the SmartHTC results will efficiently and unobtrusively provide them with the inside knowledge they need to make the right decisions for their home.
Find out more about the end-user benefits here.
SmartHTC also has the capability to predict the likelihood of mould, via the Mould Risk Indicator which is included in the package at no extra charge.
It takes into account the conditions in the dwelling, the weather and the performance of the building fabric to give an accurate and objective assessment of the risk of mould growth.
Further details can be found here.
How will your business benefit from providing SmartHTC as a service?
By elevating your skills and adding this best-practice approach, you differentiate yourself from those assessors offering more traditional EPC-based services. These methods are often estimate-based, which in turn can lead to inaccurate results.
Offering SmartHTC measurements as an additional chargeable service gives your customers peace of mind that the energy efficiency investments they are looking to make in the home are well-placed and will return the best possible return on their investment.
With energy costs soaring, and the housing market demanding ever-more efficiency from existing properties, investing in the performance and health of a home has never been more important.
How does it work?
SmartHTC is an unobtrusive thermal performance measurement system. Occupants go about their daily lives as normal while the sensors that you place around their homes quietly gather the data required, which you then download at the end of the 3-week period:

How much can I charge? What will it cost me?
Customers will pay in the region of £200-£250 for the service. While this may initially feel like an expensive option, relative to the investment they are making in their homes, plus the potential ongoing savings on energy bills, this is an investment to save money in the long run rather than a notable upfront cost.
The initial investment required starts from £495 to sign-up and then an ongoing cost from as little as £10 per address tested.
Your initial outlay could be re-paid and earning you extra revenue within 2-3 customers, and includes:
- Sign-up to the SmartHTC software portal
- Training video
- Access to regular live Q&A support sessions with the BTS team of experts
- Access to the Mould Risk Indicator
- 5 sensors (the correct amount for measuring an average house)
- 5 SmartHTC credits for your first 5 addresses tested
You are also able to purchase additional sets of sensors, enabling you to test more than one building at a time. Should you be working with housing associations or private landlords looking to evaluate larger numbers of buildings, then multiple sets of sensors will soon become very useful.