Building Performance Evaluation

Building performance evaluation is essential to better understand and manage buildings. Build Test Solution's range of non-invasive and accurate measurement products provide the tools you need to carry out building performance evaluation efficiently and at scale.

What is building performance evaluation?

Building Performance Evaluation (BPE) is the process of understanding how a building really works and is sometimes also known as Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE). Building performance monitoring and evaluation involve gathering in-situ measurements to develop a bespoke understanding of a particular building, not reliant on assumed inputs to an energy model.

The performance of any building is determined by the building fabric, its systems, energy usage and the occupants. Tools can be used to investigate each of these facets within a building performance evaluation giving valuable insights into the as-built performance of a building.

Build Test Solutions specialise in providing tools to understand the performance of the fabric of the building. In particular, measuring how much heat and air movement there is, are key metrics in determining the energy demand and comfort of the internal environment of any building.

People - Fabric - Systems - Environment

How do you measure the performance of buildings?

To assess a building's performance, building performance engineers will deploy a range of tools on-site to help evaluate each component of a building. Fabric performance measurement tools include methods to measure the overall heat transfer rate from the building, air movement, and heat loss from a particular part of the building. All of these tools provide a measurement of the actual performance of the building which can be compared with the predicted performance energy models such as SAP or Passivhaus Planning Package (PHPP).

Occupant surveys of building users can provide insights into the human experience of interacting with the building in question, and highlight issues with controls and using the building on a day-to-day basis. These surveys can then be supplemented with monitoring of conditions such as internal temperature, relative humidity and carbon dioxide levels to understand the internal environment more precisely.

The efficiency and delivered airflow rates can be measured to understand the performance of the ventilation systems within a building. Duct airflow and ventilation rates can be checked to ensure that sufficient fresh air is being delivered promoting indoor air quality. Whilst infiltration rates can also be measured to determine heat loss through poorly sealed buildings.

Combining the measurements or fabric, system performance and occupant satisfaction ensure an effective building performance evaluation process.

Building performance evaluation tools for measuring building performance

Our portfolio of products provide all the tools and equipment necessary for building performance engineers to carry out building performance evaluation accurately, efficiently and at scale.

Temperature sensors

SmartHTC Measured Thermal Performance

A low-cost and non-invasive way of measuring the true thermal performance of a house. It requires temperature and meter data to calculate an accurate heat loss rating over a 3-week period.

Learn more about SmartHTC Measured Thermal Performance
SmartHTC on an In Home Display with temperature sensors

SmartHTC Heat Loss API

Unique algorithm and software that calculates an accurate and reliable measurement of whole building fabric heat loss (also known as a Heat Transfer Coefficient or HTC).

Learn more about SmartHTC Heat Loss API

Whole fabric heat loss

A measurement of the energy performance of a building, whole fabric heat loss refers to heat lost through the entire building fabric including walls, floors, roofs, ventilation and infiltration. Simply put, the more heat loss there is, the higher the heat demand, energy consumption and carbon emissions will be.

Measurement of the heat loss rate of a building can be a key first step to better understanding and managing its performance. Our unique SmartHTC technology is designed to accurately measure whole fabric heat loss. It is accessible through our simple Measured Thermal Performance service designed for architects, building surveyors, asset managers and other energy professionals. It can also be integrated into your own products using our SmartHTC algorithm designed to provide unique building performance insights for utility suppliers, smart technology providers and other energy companies.

Post occupancy evaluation

Post occupancy evaluation (POE) is one aspect of building performance evaluation that focuses on resident satisfaction of a building in use. It relies on feedback from occupants to assess the fabric and system performance from user experience alone. Retrofit of existing buildings is key to reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions, as well as addressing fuel poverty and unhealthy housing conditions. Post occupancy evaluation plays a vital role in the retrofit challenge.

Energy efficiency and performance solutions for...

No matter who you are, we are likely to have an energy performance measurement solution for you.

Energy professional at front door

Energy Professionals

I want to provide building performance measurement services to my customers when I visit their property to carry out EPC assessments or surveys.

Heating engineer with clipboard

Installers & Contractors

We install energy efficiency products into people's homes and want to carry out baseline and retrofit performance measurements to determine energy savings.

Smart Meter In Home Display (IHD)

Energy Companies

We are an energy company or utility provider and want to integrate your technology into our products to provide building performance insights to our customers.

Two pairs of feet on a radiator


I'm interested in measuring the performance of my house to find out how energy efficient my home is and help reduce my energy bill.

"To Let" board outside a house

Private Landlords

We have more than one house and are interested in measuring the performance of our property portfolio or housing stock.

Handing over keys to new house

Housing Providers

We are a housing association or local council and want our tenants to live in healthy and energy-efficient homes.

Building Performance Metrics

Heat Transfer Coefficient

A Heat Transfer Coefficient (HTC) is a key metric of whole-house heat loss that encompasses all of the heat lost from a dwelling through the walls, roof, floor and windows, and by air movement from outside to inside the home. A HTC, measured in W/K, determines the amount of heat energy that needs to be input into a building (in Watts) to maintain a stable temperature for each degree (Kelvin) difference in temperature between inside and out.

The HTC is therefore the ultimate barometer of how well a house keeps heat in and cold out. It is specific to the building in question and occupant behaviour. The lower the HTC, the less heat loss there will be. If you make energy efficiency improvements, you should see a decrease in the HTC and an improvement in overall building performance.

Learn more about Heat Transfer Coefficient and space heat demand →

Heat Loss Parameter

The Heat Loss Parameter (HLP) is a normalised value that enables different buildings to be compared. The HLP is calculated by dividing the HTC by the floor area and gives a good measure of the thermal performance per usable space in the building. It is related to the built form as well as the actual performance of the fabric and highlights the important thermal benefits of an efficient built form (reducing exposed surface area).

Learn about Heat Loss Parameters and thermal performance →
