What is the test for?
Our testing solutions provide a full and accurate picture of the exact level of heat loss from your property without assumptions or guesswork. Knowing the true thermal performance of your house helps to determine the most appropriate energy savings measures to apply and which offer the best return on investment. This, in turn, can lead to improved wellbeing & health and, of course, lower energy bills.
Our software will measure the ACTUAL performance of your house over a three week period using readings of temperature and energy data. It is a non-intrusive test that allows you to use your house normally throughout the measurement period.
The cost-effective test can be used to provide a single one-off measurement of your home's energy performance or can be carried out on an ongoing basis to enable you to judge the impact of lifestyle changes as well as any improvements made to the fabric of the property.
How does the test work?
When you book a test through one of our approved testing companies above, a surveyor will need to visit your property and carry out a brief survey, similar to an energy assessment (EPC) that is done when selling houses.
The surveyor will need to calculate the floor area of your property and note down characteristics of your building and heating system, such as boiler efficiency and any renewable technologies. At the same time, the surveyor will install temporary sensors and take meter readings from your gas and electric utility meters.
The sensors are small wireless devices that are strategically placed around the property to monitor the internal temperature and humidity at regular intervals throughout the day.
At the end of the three week testing period, the surveyor will return to collect the sensors and take meter readings once more. The data from the sensors will be downloaded and fed into our software to produce your energy performance rating and test report.