SMETER Project Shows Successful SmartHTC Measurements
Results of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy’s (BEIS) SMETER programme have been published, demonstrating accurate and repeatable performance measurements. The Smart Meter Enabled Thermally Efficiency Rating (SMETER) programme provided a 3rd party, blind comparison showing close agreement between SmartHTC measurements and conventional coheating tests in 30 buildings.
The comparison was carried out by a consortium of Halton Housing, Leeds Beckett University, Loughborough University and University College London. The consortium carried out a coheating test in 30 houses across Halton Housing’s stock in North-West England, and then installed SmartHTC equipment in each house before it was occupied as normal by tenants. BTS calculated SmartHTC results for each house and returned them to the consortium who compared them to the values from the coheating tests.
SmartHTC provided accurate and repeatable measurements across the houses, providing further independent validation of the results and that measurements can be carried out without disrupting residents and using low or no-extra cost hardware. A full report of the validation work undertaken for SmartHTC results were calculated using data collected by BTS’ own technology, and by integration into the Switchee thermostat.
BTS developed a bespoke SmartHTC algorithm which takes advantage of the additional sensing within the Switchee thermostat. Through the project automated SmartHTC calculations were carried out using data gathered through the Switchee system, delivering accurate results without requiring any bespoke hardware. This opens the door for thermal performance measurement on an unprecedented scale.
The programme’s aim was to understand if smart meter data could be used to enhance building thermal performance metrics, such as those used in EPCs. This reflects a growing awareness of the importance of performance measurement in effective energy demand reduction in the built environment, and successful policy implementation to address the performance gap. Over the past couple of years BTS have provided SmartHTC measurements as part of Energy Company Obligation (ECO) Demonstration Action projects, and the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund Demonstrator (SHDF).
The EPC Action Plan published in September 2020 focussed on the importance in-use measurements of building performance like SmartHTC and the role that they’ll play in the Energy Performance Certificates of the future. The SMETER programme has been an important step to demonstrating the viability of that aim. As part of BTS’ SMETER project, Elmhurst Energy Consultancy have created a new product which delivers on this aim. Their Measured Energy Performance uses SmartHTC to create a detailed EPC-style report which compares the real performance of the building with the prediction.
The SMETER project provided a uniquely thorough investigation into the accuracy of SmartHTC and the positive results demonstrate the accuracy and value of thermal performance ratings based on measured data.
Reports of the initial SMETER programme results and presentations from the recent SMETER workshop, including one on the topic of repeatability from BTS’ Dr Richard Jack, are available below:
Developing the smart meter requirements for an effective UK system
SMETER workshop explores requirements for effective UK system of in-use thermal performance metrics
Should your business be interested in being able to provide customers with a thermal performance measurement capability, contact Similarly, it you have buildings you would like to measure and understand do also let us know and we’ll be happy to help.