Pulse is a portable compressed air-based system that is used to measure the air leakage of a building or enclosure at a near ambient pressure level (4 pascals). A Pulse system comprises an air receiver, air compressor and a touch screen control unit.

Pulse 2.0 Air Pressure Equipment Help
Help setting up and configuring Pulse 2.0 air receivers, air compressors or controllers.
Documentation and Tools
Pulse Instruction Manual
Instruction manual and safety guidelines for using Pulse 2.0 equipment. Also includes troubleshooting and calibration procedures.
Pulse Sizing Guide
Estimate the number of air receivers required to perform a successful Pulse test based on a building's envelope area or volume and anticipated leakiness.
Pulse Software Download
Keep your Pulse controller up-to-date with the latest software version. Software updates will include bug fixes and new features.
General Questions
Pulse cannot provide the sustained pressures required to undertake leakage diagnostics and is instead intended to provide quick measurements to determine pass/fail or to instruct on the extent of the leakage for a given state of construction or refurbishment.
However, our Leak Checker air diagnostics fan is a great low-cost tool for site teams and energy experts to carry out diagnostics at various stages through the build or refit.
Low Pressure Pulse (LPP) Method
A blower door kit compromises the doorway and tests air leakage rates at much higher pressures than Pulse (typically 20-70Pa). It's these factors that make it hard to compare results directly.
However, where we seal a fan in a fixed plywood panel and force both technologies to measure air leakage directly in the 10-20Pa range, the methods agree to within 6%.
A full detailed independent methodology for low-pressure pulse testing is documented in CIBSE TM23 (2022). CIBSE is the Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers and TM23 is ISBN 9781914543173.
Pulse Equipment
It is recommended that in accordance with the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED), Pulse equipment is visually inspected by a competent person once every 24 months to assess for damage, corrosion or any faulty parts. During this inspection, it is recommended that sensor calibration is also checked using temperature and pressure calibration instruments that are traceable to national standards.
Operation and Usage
Much like other air permeability testing methods, only a guideline can be offered as to the suitability of Pulse for a given application. Due to varying levels and leakage characteristics of buildings, results may not be obtainable even for properties within the following guidelines. To ensure successful testing, it is recommended that users oversize the Pulse unit to be used.
Build Test Solutions maintain a publically accessible Pulse system sizing guide available online here:
Before testing the following actions should be carried out:
- Open all interior doors and openings to allow for the flow of air between the spaces to be tested,
- Close or seal-up any purposely provided ventilation as per the testing protocol being followed (e.g. CIBSE TM23 2021, ATTMA TSL1, ISO 9972),
- Inform current building occupants of the imminent testing. Where pets are present, it is advised for them to be kept away from the air release to avoid distress,
- Where required, place signs on external doors to ensure nobody enters during testing, which in turn could render a test as void,
- Calculate the building volume & envelope area and input the required building parameters into the control unit.
Air receivers should always be transported in an empty state. Any compressed air that remains in the vessel must be drained out prior to leaving the site.
With the equipment still connected together, on the main menu of the controller select "Drain tanks". The nozzles on any connected air receivers will be opened to allow air to escape freely.