
BTS Smart HTC secures further Government backing

Our exciting Smart HTC method for measuring the in-situ thermal performance of homes has today received commitment from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) to advance to phase 2 of the SMETERs competition.

SmartHTC inputs and output

The competition specifically seeks to identify commercially viable techniques for using smart meter and other data as a basis for measuring the true performance of homes.

Having used phase 1 to further advance the features of our product offering and to demonstrate these to BEIS and their appointed Technical Assessment Contractor, we now advance to phase 2. Over the coming 2019/20 winter season we will field trial the method across a range of UK homes and assess its accuracy against incumbent methods such as co-heating and established modelling techniques such as SAP and dynamic simulation.

Smart HTC Product Manager, Richard Jack:

It’s fantastic news that BEIS and its assessment contractor have the confidence in our methodology, permitting us to advance to phase 2 of SMETER. The project exposes the Smart HTC method to extensive expert third party scrutiny and we now not only have the opportunity to test and further evaluate, we also start work with our partners Hildebrand, Elmhurst Energy, the University of Salford and others to integrate Smart HTC into meaningful, scalable measurement solutions for industry at large.

Further information about the SMETER project is available here.


Dr Richard Jack

Dr Richard Jack

Technical Director

Building performance measurement made simple.

Unique products and smart technologies designed for energy assessors, building surveyors, the construction industry, utility suppliers and other built environment experts.

Temperature sensors

SmartHTC Measured Thermal Performance

A low-cost and non-invasive way of measuring the true thermal performance of a house. It requires temperature and meter data to calculate an accurate heat loss rating over a 3-week period.

Learn more about SmartHTC Measured Thermal Performance
